« El Patron fundraiser to support Haitian school lunches Wed. | Main | Altadenablog is now AltadenaPoint »
from the Pasadena Village
The Pasadena Village, a non-profit organization serving older adults in the San Gabriel Valley, invites people of all ages to “Stay Independent, Stay Active, and Stay Connected with the Pasadena Village” at a special community meeting at the Hastings Branch Library on Wednesday, January 22 from 3:30- 4:30 PM.
The purpose of the meeting is to ask community members what they envision their lives being like as they grow older.
« UPDATE: One in custody following morning burglar call | Main | Pasadena Village community meeting @ Hastings Ranch Library Wed. »

El Patron Mexican Restaurant will host a fundraiser on Wed., Jan. 22, for St. Mark’s Church and School Haiti Partnership. 15% of all food sales will go to help support the lunch program at Ste. Marguerite’s School in La Tournelle, Haiti – where for many students it is the only solid meal of the day.
The fundraiser will be from 2-9 PM. El Patron Mexican Restaurant is at 2555 N.
« Memorial service for CERT volunteer Tony Willis Jan. 26 | Main | El Patron fundraiser to support Haitian school lunches Wed. »
Community correspondent Chris Considine shares these pictures of Monday morning’s burglary containment at around Mar Vista and Meadowbrooke. Photos © 2014 Chris Considine.
by Timothy Rutt
That helicopter you eastsiders hear (11:20 AM ) is the sheriff setting up a containment on a suspected burglary,
« Poetry Corner: MLK Day | Main | UPDATE: One in custody following morning burglar call »

Tony Willis, a well-known volunteer and instructor in the Community Emergency Response Team community, died unexpectedly Jan. 13. There will be a memorial get together on January 26 from 1-4 PM at Emergency Concepts, 20701 Plummer Street, Chatsworth.
« Publisher’s Notebook: Getting to the Point — Introducing AltadenaPoint | Main | Memorial service for CERT volunteer Tony Willis Jan. 26 »

“Martin Luther King ; the Power of Words.”
from gloriana casey
In Martin Luther King’s writings,
find heart line to his soul.
A speaker’s fame—words do inspire
to make the nation whole.
His speaking—it was powerful
in use of metaphor.
Those images he gave to us—
we’d never heard before.
A simple quote inspires the mind,
« Pet of the Week: “Spot” | Main | Poetry Corner: MLK Day »
by Timothy Rutt Dear Readers,
Our new identity.
One of the best things we did last year was repaint the exterior of our home. We were refinancing, and advised that it would make a big difference if we spruced up the exterior. Well, it ended up being more involved than just a new coat o’ paint (we had to rebuild the deck,
« “The Urban Black Bear” talk at Eaton Canyon next week | Main | Publisher’s Notebook: Getting to the Point — Introducing AltadenaPoint »

At the Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich presents “Spot,” a 3-month old Shih Tzu Mix one of many pets available for adoption now.
For more information about adopting a pet, please call the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control at 562-728-4610.
« St. Elizabeth’s Parish School open house Jan. 26 and Jan. 30 | Main | Pet of the Week: "Spot" »
from the Sierra Club
They swim in backyard pools, enjoy a snack, and climb trees in communities along the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. American Black Bears (Ursus americanus) are captured throughout the summer in photos and video roaming through neighborhoods and down trash lined streets and are often the lead story on the nightly news.
« Morning jolt: Relay kick-off tonight | Main | “The Urban Black Bear” talk at Eaton Canyon next week »
St. Elizabeth Parish School will have two open houses on Sunday, Jan. 26, and Thurs., Jan. 30.
Sunday’s open house will be from 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, with a parent information session starting at 12 PM. Thursday’s will be from 9-11 AM, with parent information session starting at 10:30.
St. Elizabeth’s Parish School is located at 1840 N. Lake Avenue.
« MonteCedro looks at 12 risk factors of aging Jan. 28-29 | Main | Morning jolt: Relay kick-off tonight »
by Timothy Rutt
The Altadena Sheriff’s Station has been involved in finding two suspects following a brief pursuit this afternoon. Scanner said (4:40 PM) that they’re breaking down the scene, so we’ll looking to get details when things calm down a bit.
UPDATE, 5:15 PM: Lt. Brian Fitch of the Altadena Sheriff Station said that the incident “started off as a reckless drunk driver” and became a pursuit. One person ran out of the car and the driver was taken into custody on the 1900 block of Mentone in Pasadena.
« BREAKING: Two arrested following short pursuit | Main | St. Elizabeth’s Parish School open house Jan. 26 and Jan. 30 »
- Relay Kick-Off: The Altadena Relay for Life Kick-off is tonight at the Davies Building in Farnsworth Park, from 7-9 PM. Cancer Survivor Jonie Tsuji will be sharing her journey, and there will be appetizers and cake. Anyone who is participating or wants to learn about Relay is welcome.
- Giftedness: Gifted expert Dr. James R. Delisle will speak about how to best meet gifted children’s intellectual and emotional needs at a free event in South Pasadena.The author of more than 250 articles and 19 books,
« Crime blotter: assault with a deadly weapon at Super King | Main | BREAKING: Two arrested following short pursuit »

On Tuesday, January 28, and Wednesday, January 29, MonteCedro, a planned Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in Altadena, will host Roger Landry, MD, MPH, to share his insights from his new book
Live Long, Die Short: A Guide to Authentic Health and Successful Aging. In his presentation, Dr. Landy will discuss how to control the Mayo Clinic’s 12 risk factors of aging.
Seating for this event is limited.
« Authorities update Colby fire information | Main | MonteCedro looks at 12 risk factors of aging Jan. 28-29 »
A robbery/assault at Super King, and another theft at 24 hour Fitness (inside this time, instead of the parking lot). Crime blotter provided by the Altadena Sheriff’s Station.
Sunday, January 5
Between 4:00 PM and 1:00 PM (Monday) – A vehicle vandalism occurred in the 3000 block of Marengo Avenue.
Monday, January 6
12:35 AM – Shawynna Gill, 51 yrs, of Pasadena was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia.
« Colby fire raging; superscoopers deployed | Main | Crime blotter: assault with a deadly weapon at Super King »

Just received from the Office of Emergency Management about shelters, animal shelters, evacuations, school closures, and wild animals. Separately, we’ve received a message that the Pomona Fairplex will be able to shelter horses.:
At 5:52 a.m. PST a brush fire broke out in the Angeles National Forest. The fire moved into the Los Angeles County area of Glendora. The Colby Fire has burned approximately 1,700 acres and 0 percent containment at this time.
« Lost dogs: Greyhound Derek in Pasadena: Rocky and Daisy near JPL: UPDATED | Main | Authorities update Colby fire information »
As the smoke from the Colby fire near Glendora scatters the sunlight, a firefighting superscooper flies to the location. Photos © Chris Considine 2014
by Timothy Rutt
As we write, the Colby fire above Glendora has consumed 125 acres, and authorities are evacuating homes in the forest areas.
« Farmer’s Market features meat pies and music today | Main | Colby fire raging; superscoopers deployed »
Two reports of lost dogs in the past few hours:
Pasadena, California – Hastings Ranch area: Lost greyhound, nearly 2 year old white and black male named Derek. Last seen on 1-14-14 near the Baja Fresh restaurant at 3615 E Foothill Blvd, Pasadena. If you see him please call numbers below. PLEASE DO NOT CHASE
Please call 626-354-8476 or 818-298-1872.
« Altadena Sheriff’s station offers tips to avoid vehicle burglary | Main | Lost dogs: Greyhound Derek in Pasadena: Rocky and Daisy near JPL: UPDATED »
by Timothy Rutt
Business of the year the Altadena Farmers’ Market is open today, and teases us with a couple of items;
The Pig & Pastry Pie Co. will return, with beef shepherd’s pies, vegan cauliflower curry pies, steak and ale pies, and chicken pot pies. And fried apple pies? Wow!
Also: Blaise and Delacroix will be back,
« Altadena Trails meeting tonight, Community Center | Main | Altadena Sheriff’s station offers tips to avoid vehicle burglary »
from LACMA
Jessica Youn of LACMA welcomes visitors to the Art+Film Lab at Charles White Park in September, 2013. Photo by Laura Monteros.
Late last year the Altadena Art+Film Lab spent five weeks at the Charles White Park offering free art and film programming to local residents. To celebrate the community and the time spent in Altadena, LACMA is pleased to offer free museum admission to Altadena-area residents on Sunday,
« LACMA says “thank you” to Altadena Jan. 19 with free admission | Main | Farmer’s Market features meat pies and music today »
from the Altadena Sheriff’s Station
Auto Burglary, like all crime prevention involves limiting the criminal’s ability and opportunity to commit the crime. With very little time and effort, you can make a huge difference in your vulnerability to vehicle burglary.
The thieves walking or driving around your neighborhoods are looking for vehicles with unlocked doors and unsecured windows. They are looking for vehicles that have valuables in plain sight.
« “Go Public” benefit screening next week for teaching grants | Main | LACMA says “thank you” to Altadena Jan. 19 with free admission »

The Altadena Crest Trail Restoration Working Group (ACTRWG) meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm Tuesday evening, Jan. 14 at the Altadena Community Center (730 E. Altadena Drive across from Rite Aid and next to the Altadena Sheriffs Station).
Please pass this information on to neighborhood listserves and those who might be interested, since the ACTRWG listserve remains down due to technical difficulties. We are only able to reach some of you through old e-mail CCs,
« Pasadena Senior Center programs in January | Main | Altadena Trails meeting tonight, Community Center »
from the Pasadena Educational Foundation
Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF) is hosting a TUGG benefit screening of GO PUBLIC on Wednesday, January 22. This screening is raising funds for PEF’s signature Teacher Grants program. Funding for the program was previously underwritten by banking institutions that no longer exist. All donations will be used to fund individual teacher grants for classroom projects and supplies.
Click here to purchase your ticket and make a donation to the PEF Teacher Grants Program.
« Webster’s Fine Stationers to move to Fair Oaks location | Main | "Go Public" benefit screening next week for teaching grants »
from the Pasadena Senior Center
There is something for everyone at the Pasadena Senior Center in January. Events listed below are free for PSC members. Some events require advance reservations as noted. All events take place at Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St.
- Friday Movie Matinees – Great movies can take us to different places and times unlike anything else. Jan.
« Vintage & Cultural and Polynesian dance classes start Wednesday | Main | Pasadena Senior Center programs in January »
by Timothy Rutt

Webster’s Fine Stationers announced today that they have found a new Altadena location and will be back in business in February.
Webster’s Fine Stationers will move to a new location in February at 2591 N. Fair Oaks Avenue.
Scott and Lori Webster will move their shop to a storefront at 2591 N. Fair Oaks Avenue. Lori Webster said of the new location: “It’s immaculate,
« Loma Alta youth basketball season is here | Main | Webster’s Fine Stationers to move to Fair Oaks location »

Lynanne Hanson will hold a new session of Vintage, Cultural, and Polynesian dance classes starting this Wednesday, Jan. 15, at a new location: Alkebulan Cultural Center in Pasadena, 1435 N. Raymond Avenue, Pasadena
Vintage & Cultural Dance runs from 3:45-4:30 PM: Boys & girls will learn traditional dances, songs & games from various cultures around the world as well as select Vintage Dances from the 1890s to the 1980s..
« Found cat, North Allen Ave. | Main | Vintage & Cultural and Polynesian dance classes start Wednesday »
by Timothy Rutt
It’s basketball season at Loma Alta Park:
Youth Basketball: co-ed, ages 6-14, starts Jan. 22. Entry fee of $65 gets us the games, uniform, and a trophy. Also looking for teams already assembled who want to do a team registration.
Mighty Mite Basketball: for ages 3-5, also $65. Registration starts Jan. 13, player assessment is Jan. 22-23 at 6 PM, parent orientation at 7 PM.
« Morning jolt: today’s word is “hugelkultur” | Main | Loma Alta youth basketball season is here »
Reader Eva sends this:

Found at our home on North Allen Avenue, closed to La Paz and Allen, a very furry, well fed, and loving black cat, without a collar. He appears to be lost. Please contact us at 626.794.2457.
« PUSD holds “First Choice Festival” Jan. 14 | Main | It’s one of those weeks …. »

At the Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich presents “Panda,” a 5-month old Terrier Mix one of many pets available for adoption now.
For more information about adopting a pet, please call the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control at 562-728-4644.
« Pet of the Week: "Panda" | Main | Morning jolt: today’s word is "hugelkultur" »
End of year/beginning of year paperwork needs to get done, so entries will be light this week.
« Burglars thwarted in Millard Canyon cabin theft | Main | PUSD holds “First Choice Festival” Jan. 14 »
Community correspondents Ken and Shino Charlson found a deer carcass on the Cobb Estate Thursday morning.
by Timothy Rutt
We’re getting steady reports of coyotes — as individuals or as packs — on the west side and the east above Altadena Drive.
« Pet alert: coyotes — and maybe something bigger — are prowling near the hills | Main | Pet of the Week: “Panda” »
from the Pasadena Unified School District
Making the choice on where to send a child to school can be a daunting and stressful task for families. To make this decision a little easier, the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) will be hosting the inaugural First Choice Festival January 14, 2014 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the PUSD Education Center, 351 South Hudson Avenue (Corner of Hudson Avenue and Del Mar Boulevard),
« Crime blotter: vehicle burglaries highlight the week | Main | Pet alert: coyotes — and maybe something bigger — are prowling near the hills »
by TImothy Rutt
An attempted burglary of a cabin in Millard Canyon was thwarted Wednesday afternoon by the campground caretaker and a census worker.
According to Lonnie Fehr, the caretaker of the campground, he saw two men running from one of the cabins in the area carrying the cabin owners’ belongings. Fehr said they may have been scared by a census taker who by happenstance was going to the same cabin.
« Morning jolt | Main | Burglars thwarted in Millard Canyon cabin theft »
A couple of vehicle burglary sprees open the new year. Crime blotter provided by the Altadena Sheriff Station.
Monday, December 30 
Between 4:20 PM and 9:30 PM – A residential burglary occurred in the 3100 block of Thurin Avenue. Loss: PlayStation 3.
Between 8:00 PM and 6:00 AM (Tuesday) – A theft from (2) unlocked vehicles occurred in the 1700 block of Alta Crest Drrive. Loss: (2) HP notebook, iPhone,
« Oscar-winning “God of Love” screens at Zorthian Ranch tonight | Main | Crime blotter: vehicle burglaries highlight the week »
- Co-op board meeting: The Arroyo Food Co-op will have a board meeting tomorrow, Jan. 11, from 9 AM-noon at the Co-op (494 N. Wilson Ave, Pasadena). The agenda: “The membership vote from December was a clear statement that the community supports a pre-order business model while we raise funds to open our doors, and is committed to making sure that it happens. Now we need your help to get it up and running. Volunteers are needed in all aspects of this project,
« Historical Society looks at Altadena’s Latino heritage Jan. 27 | Main | Morning jolt »
by Timothy Rutt
If you're looking for a scene tonight, Luke Matheny's Oscar-winning short film God of Love screens tonight at the Zorthian Ranch. Matheny will also give a Q&A after the screening.
Doors, such as they are, open at 6:30, and film starts on the outdoor screen at 7:30.
« PUSD has open enrollment until Feb. 6 | Main | Oscar-winning “God of Love” screens at Zorthian Ranch tonight »
by Timothy Rutt
After the Native Americans, some of Altadena’s earliest pioneers were Mexicanos who moved in to unsettled lands. Author and historian Roberta Martinez will look at Altadena’s Latino heritage in an Altadena Historical Society program on Mon., Jan. 27.
Before real estate developers discovered Altadena in the 1850s, Mexicanos, homesteaders and squatters laid claim to areas near Altadena’s canyons.
« ALTA-L.A. poetry returns with Suzanne Lummis, Neil Aitken Jan. 16 | Main | Historical Society looks at Altadena’s Latino heritage Jan. 27 »
from the Pasadena Unified School District
As Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) students begin the second semester of the 2013-2014 school year this week, it is also time for families to think about next school year. PUSD’s Open Enrollment application period for the 2014-2015 academic year begins January 9 and continues through February 6, 2014.
Open Enrollment is the district’s school of choice program that offers students the opportunity to attend schools with themed or specialized programs or a campus outside of their neighborhood school’s attendance boundaries.
« ACONA looks at traffic, parking issues | Main | PUSD has open enrollment until Feb. 6 »
by TImothy Rutt
Suzanne Lummis
ALTA-L.A., the Altadena Library’s poetry series, returns on Jan. 16 with poets Suzanne Lummis and Neil Aitken.
Suzanne Lummis was recently identified by CBS News as one of the five best poets working in L.A. Neil Aitken is the winner of the 2007 Philip Levine Prize and the founding editor of Boxcar Poetry Review.
« Pasadena Mentoring Partners announce third annual breakfast | Main | ALTA-L.A. poetry returns with Suzanne Lummis, Neil Aitken Jan. 16 »
by Timothy Rutt
Tuesday night’s ACONA meeting was a wide-ranging look at traffic and parking complaints in Altadena — and if any conclusion can be drawn, it’s that Altadena is a grab-bag of parking rules.
Guests included Altadena CHP officers Thomas Miller and Xavier Behar and Tommy Mutteraid and Jennifer Aborida of the county Traffic and Lighting Division.
Much of the discussion involved drop-off and pick-up problems around St.
« “Learning to Connect Within” at Altadena Community Church | Main | Pasadena Mentoring Partners announce third annual breakfast »
from the Relay for Life/Altadena
The American Cancer Society invites individuals who want to celebrate the lives of those who have faced cancer, remember loved ones lost and fight back against the disease to join its Relay For Life, scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2014 in Altadena at Farnsworth Park. Relay For Life is an overnight community celebration where individuals and teams camp out, barbecue, dance, and take turns walking around a track relay style to raise funds to fight cancer.
« Relay for Life kick-off Jan. 17 | Main | ACONA looks at traffic, parking issues »
from Lisa Wilson, Fintridge Center
Organizations that support and motivate local youth will celebrate National Mentoring Month by uniting at the Pasadena Mentoring Partners’ (PMP) 3rd Annual Breakfast, set for Saturday, January 11, 2014. The event will bring together city officials and local leaders with members of several community and faith-based groups that provide support, guidance and opportunity to hundreds of disadvantaged youth throughout Pasadena and Altadena.
Attendees will hear inspirational success stories from young people and their adult mentors while enjoying a hearty and healthy meal prepared by area firefighters.
« Senior Center offering free tax preparation starting Jan. 30 | Main | Relay for Life kick-off Jan. 17 »

All are welcome to join the Altadena Community Church adult class for “Learning to Connect Within” on Jan. 12 and Jan. 19. The classes will meet at 11:25 a.m., after 10 a.m. worship and a brief social time. There is no charge, and childcare is provided.
Self-care is a frequent New Year’s resolution. These classes will go deeper than diet and exercise to the levels of spiritual and emotional self-care that are the wellspring by which all successful resolutions are fed.
« Contrarian astronomer Halton Arp dies | Main | “Learning to Connect Within” at Altadena Community Church »
from the Altadena Senior Center

The Altadena Senior Center, 560 E. Mariposa St., is offering free tax preparation on Thursdays fomr 8:30 AM-12:30 PM from Jan. 30 through April 10.
Receive free income tax preparation and e-filing by volunteers from AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, a tax-exempt charity of AARP. Membership in AARP is not required. All ages are welcome.
You must make an appointment by phoning the Senior Center (626) 798-0505 and ask to make a tax appointment.
« Massie Roofing: because your roof needs care (even if it’s not raining!) | Main | Contrarian astronomer Halton Arp dies »
Firefighters from LA County and Pasadena were called in to a fire at Glen Canyon and Roosevelt Wednesday night.
by Timothy Rutt
Firefighters from Altadena and Pasadena responded to a report of a non-visible fire at a home on Glen Canyon and Roosevelt Wednesday night.
According to the homeowner, his wife was burnng some paper in the fireplace and smoke continued to fill the area even though they could see no fire.
« Breaking: Fire at Glen Canyon/Roosevelt tonight | Main | Senior Center offering free tax preparation starting Jan. 30 »
by Timothy Rutt
Dr. Halton C. Arp, c. 2000. From the Wikimedia Commons
The New York Times has an obituary of astronomer Halton C. Arp, who died Dec. 28 in Munich, Germany. Arp, a former Altadena resident, along with Fred Hoyle, challenged the emerging “Big Bang” theory of the universe in favor of “Steady State” cosmology.
Michele Zack writes:
Chip Arp lived in Altadena for years,
« Library accepting submissions for April’s “Poetry & Cookies” until Jan. 18 | Main | Massie Roofing: because your roof needs care (even if it’s not raining!) »
by Timothy Rutt

Received this from LInda Lane White of the Christmas Tree Lane Association: the lights will go on again tonight (it’s Orthodox Epiphany, the last night of Christmas), so if don’t see them tonight, you won’t see them again until Christmas season 2014.
Christmas Tree Lane is on Santa Rosa Avenue between Woodbury Road and Altadena Drive.