Pasadena police plan saturation patrol Friday

Feb 03, 2015 12:00PM, Published by AltadenaPoint Staff, Categories: Today, News, Public Safety

Pasadena Police Department patch


Officers from the Pasadena Police Department’s DUI Enforcement Team will be deploying to stop and arrest alcohol and drug-impaired drivers in the Department’s ongoing traffic safety campaign. DUI Saturation Patrols will deploy on Friday, February 6, 2015, between the hours of 7:00 PM and 3:00 A.M. in areas with high frequencies of DUI collisions and/or arrests.Over the course of the past three years, DUI collisions have claimed 5 lives and resulted in 80 injury crashes harming 117 of our friends and neighbors in Pasadena.

In California, this deadly crime led to 774 deaths because someone failed to designate a sober driver. Alcohol and drug-impaired deaths still make up the largest category of overall vehicle fatalities with 29 percent of all deaths caused by a drunk driver. A DUI Saturation Patrol is a proven effective method to lower these numbers. When possible, specially trained officers will be available to evaluate those suspected of drug-impaired driving.

Pasadena PD reminds everyone that they can assist in preventing this crime from ever occurring. If you are planning a gathering or celebration with alcohol included, or if you are out on the town, plan ahead and designate a non-drinking sober driver. A DUI and drug-impaired arrest can cost up to $10,000 or even more, including time in jail, the loss of your driver license and high insurance rates.

These enforcement efforts are funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Remember, everyone is encouraged to help keep our roadways safe; Report Drunk Drivers – Call 911!

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pasadena police department

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