Altadena Now is published daily and will host archives of Timothy Rutt's Altadena blog and his later Altadena Point sites.

Altadena Now encourages solicitation of events information, news items, announcements, photographs and videos.

Please email to:

  • James Macpherson, Editor
  • Candice Merrill, Events
  • Megan Hole, Lifestyles
  • David Alvarado, Advertising
Archives Altadena Blog Altadena Archive

Monday, April 13, 2015

Altadena Events Calendar Will Debut Tomorrow (Tuesday)


We are installing a dedicated Events Calendar for Altadena which will debut tomorrow (Tuesday, April 14).  The current calendar software should be debugged and operational by 4 a.m. tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, we apologize for this inconvenience but urge you to please submit events to:

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