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Friday, August 5, 2016

New Altadena Foothills 4H Club is Officially Open for Enrollment

Altadena Foothills 4H Club

The new Altadena Foothills 4H Club will hold a meet-and-greet on Saturday, August 20 from 10:00-1:00 at the Loma Alta County Park (north of Loma Alta Drive near the play structure.) Meet club leaders, learn about 4H project areas, and enroll your child. Children do not need to be Altadena residents to join.

4H, the nation’s largest youth-development organization, has been a path for youth skill-building and leadership for generations, giving boys and girls opportunities to get hands-on and ‘learn by doing.’ In its inaugural year, Altadena Foothills 4H Club is pleased to offer the following topics: Clothing and Textiles (sewing), Dairy Goats, Farm-to-Table (gardening and cooking), Horses, and Woodworking.

For more information, or to enroll online, contact Lynette Wiebe,

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