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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Double Whammy: Triple Digit Temps Mix with Smoke to Create Dangerous Health Conditions Today


Smoke over Altadena on Friday evening, July 22, 2016. Image: Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept.

The explosive Sand Fire in the Santa Clarita area grew to over 3,300 acres overnight, pouring smoke and dumping “ash rain” over Altadena while creating a health hazard for a Saturday predicted to reach 102 degrees.

Temperatures in the west San Gabriel Valley are expected to range from 100 to 110 degrees today, with hot, dry gusts of about 15 mph.

Federal, regional and local authorities warned authorities said everyone in the Pasadena area should avoid any vigorous outdoor or indoor exertion; people with respiratory or heart disease, older adults, and children should remain indoors.

“Do not exercise outside for a few days due to ash and high heat. Air quality is already bad and now confounded by ash and smoke,” said Pasadena Fire Department spokesperson Lisa Derderian. “Keep pets inside if possible and clear away remnants as soon as it stops.”

The National Weather Service said that anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location and bystanders should call 911.

“Never … ever … leave people or pets in enclosed vehicles, even for a short period of time, the advisory cautioned.

The Southern California Air Quality Management District advised residents to “keep windows and doors closed or seek alternate shelter. Run your air conditioner if you have one and keep the fresh air intake closed and the filter clean to prevent bringing additional smoke inside. Avoid using a swamp cooler or whole-house fan to prevent bringing additional smoke inside.”

SCAQMD Advisory updates can be found at the following link:

For more tips on avoiding health impacts from smoke, see SCAQMD Fire Safety Alert Factsheets at

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