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Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Altadena Town Council Expected to be Asked to Sign on to NBBA’s “Historic Corner: Historic Choices” White Paper
Altadena School and Civic Organizations Seek Town Council Participation in Effort to Improve Lake Avenue/Calaveras Building Plans
Neighbors Building a Better Altadena, together with Altadena Chamber of Commerce, Altadena Heritage, Altadena Historical Society, Eliot Arts Magnet’s PTA, School Site Council, and Principal said yesterday they will ask the Altadena Town Council to join them in signing a White Paper, “Historic Corner : Historic Choices,” that encourages a “better design for the building slated for construction on the northeast corner of Lake Avenue and Calaveras Street.”
Read the white paper here: LakeCalaverasWhitePaper v4.9
The construction site is located at the historic gateway to Altadena called Altadena Junction and is situated directly north of Eliot Arts Magnet Middle School, designed by the renowned architects Sylvanus Marston and Edgar Maybury during the Depression era.
The signatories of the document are concerned that the Charles Company drawings have not been responsive to the community and are out of alignment with community visioning documents, the community standards documents, and specific requests from leaders of major civic organizations, a press release said.
Neighbors Building a Better Altadena says its mission is to promotes community-wide engagement to make Altadena economically strong and socially cohesive, while preserving our cultural and economic diversity.
For more information visit or call (626) 344-7806.
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