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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Seed Library: History of LA County Agriculture with Rachel Surls


Saturday, December 5, 2020, 10:00 – 11:00 AM

Rachel Surls is the Sustainable Food Systems Advisor for University of California Cooperative Extension in Los Angeles County, part of UC’s Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. From school gardens to urban agriculture, over her 32-year career with UC Cooperative Extension, Rachel has been involved in a wide array of programs related to urban food systems. She coordinates training, technical assistance and resources for urban farmers such as the UC Urban Agriculture Website and Blog. She directs the UC Master Gardener Volunteer program in Los Angeles, which helps residents learn to grow their own food and garden sustainably. Rachel is a member of the leadership board of the Los Angeles Food Policy Council.  A former Peace Corps Volunteer, her work in Honduras strongly influenced her decision to pursue a career related to food, farming, and sustainability. Rachel co-authored a book on the largely forgotten agricultural history of Los Angeles, “From Cows to Concrete: The Rise and Fall of Farming in Los Angeles,” published by Angel City Press in 2016.

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