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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Altadena Library Seeks New Poet Laureate

Thelma Reyna poet laureate

The Altadena Library is now accepting applications for Poet Laureate for the Altadena Library, May 2016 – April 2018. Poets who live or work in the Altadena community are invited to apply.

The inauguration of the new laureate will take place on April 30 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the library’s annual Poetry & Cookies celebration. To be held at the Altadena Senior Center. The laureate’s poetry will be featured at this event and in the Altadena Poetry Review, (formerly the Poetry & Cookies Anthology). This publication is sponsored by the Friends of the Altadena Library and edited by the library’s current poet Laureate, Dr. Thelma Reyna.

Information on applying to be the new laureate can be found here or online at the library’s website at ( There is no entry fee. Letters of Applications are due midnight January 23, 2016 and may be emailed to the Altadena Library Poet Laureate Committee at Members of the committee include the library’s current laureate Thelma Reyna and the previous laureate Linda Dove; Elsa Frausto and Maja Trochimczy, current and previous laureates of Sunland/Tujunga. Library staff member David Butler and Friends of the Library Liaison Pauli Dutton are also on the committee. Questions about the process may be sent to Pauli Dutton at

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